
Muesli (Mango-Mango)

Today is Elliott's birthday, he's 11. Happy Birthday to the person who made me a mom.
 I love you more than you can imagine and pray that you discover for the very purpose you were created and upon that discovery, pursue it without abandon. I pray that in the world you live, play & work, you are a leader and changer, loving God and people. I pray you achieve the goals you have set with hard work, grace and kindness. May year 11 bring great moments...I love you, kiddo. ~ momma

As we cook and eat our way through The Feed Zone, many of the recipes have become meals we prepare with regularity. Last night Elliott had 5 of his pals sleep over. Yes, it was brilliant, birthday chaos. Yes, they were wide awake playing Xbox at 2 am. Yes, they played a combo game of hide & seek and tag around 3am. No, Jonathan and I didn't sleep well. Yes, they are still sound asleep in various corners of the boys & guest room, under makeshift tents. And yes, they had Feed Zone pizza crust as the building block of make-your-own-pizza for dinner. This morning they will have Buttermilk Pancakes when they wake.

The Muesli recipe we are sharing this morning was from our lover of mangoes, Chas. Last week the boys were talking about memories they will always have with their daddy. They both said, "We will always remember eating mangoes with daddy. The ways he peels them, slices them and shares them with us." Chas, our picky eater is a huge fan of mango. Here is his Muesli recipe...
Muesli, Mango-Mango
by Chas

 oats + milk
 oats + milk + yogurt
 oats + milk + yogurt + frozen mango
 oats + milk + yogurt + frozen mango + dried mango
now STIR!

1 cup old fashioned rolled oats
1 cup vanilla soy milk
1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
1/4 cup dried mango,cut into pieces

Mix ingredients above, stir, refrigerate overnight, enjoy the next morning for breakfast or as a snack.

With the boys still sound asleep, Jonathan enjoyed open face egg and greens sandwich, coffee and a bowl of muesli, mango-mango. I also packed a bowl for him to have as his mid-morning snack at the office.

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