
White Beans and Chicken

White Beans and Chicken, page 164

During the season of Lent, the 40 days prior to Easter, we are hosting a small group of people in our home and around the table on Tuesday nights. Last week it was rainy and chilly and rainy some more. It was the kind of late autumn week when you anticipate snow and a fire in the fireplace. Then you build one just because. It was the first day of Spring, the firewood was soaked, so I did the only other logical thing I could think of, make soup. I also played with gluten free flours and basil and Parmesan making savory scones. It was Spring Break for the great state of Arkansas and many families were vacationing, including those who join us on Tuesday evening. The Webers were in town and joined us for dinner and conversation.

This soup is hearty enough to serve as a meal for Jonathan. One time, I remember him asking if there was going to be anything solid served with a soup and salad lunch. His six foot six, athletic frame needs a little more fuel than some. Our friends loved it, although I have learned when you tack on the words "Gluten Free" people tend to allow their shy side to come out. I don't think they tried the scones, but Jonathan and I did. A perfect pair. I was talking of the scones and soup, although Jonathan and I are a perfect pair too.

Kitchen Action

Lacking in the Pantry:
Additions, Subtractions or Method changes:
Buckwheat flour for wheat, 2 cups of wine instead of 1, added mushrooms and a little parsley, and I left off the pesto when it was served.
What I'll try next time:
I'd like to try it with the pesto and add more mushrooms.

How it scored:
Jonathan: 5
'becca: 5
R. Weber: 5
B. Weber: 4

Make sure to look at the little prep bowls in the picture above. My friend gave them to me last week. She reads here on occasion, puts up with my endless praise of the best cookbook around and gave me these colorful bowls to use while cooking through The Feed Zone. I love them! Thanks Amy! Tomorrow her girls will appear in video with my boys, making Angel Hair with Bacon and Sweet Corn.

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