
Rice and Banana Muffins

Rice and Banana Muffins, page 104

I am always looking for gluten free snacks I can bake at home. When I discovered that gluten was the reason for my belly issues, I mourned the loss of indulging in pretty bread and scones and muffins and the list of baked good goes on. As I read through The Feed Zone there were many baked recipes I was looking forward to trying.

I made a mistake, no two mistakes. First I filled the tins almost to the top and second, I tasted before cooling. I tore the muffin in half to discover a gooey middle. My heart sank. Instant gratification was met with uncooked center, steaming uncooked center. I ate it anyway and burned my tongue. Dumb. I pulled the cooling rack from the drawer, allowing the other 11 muffins to cool, as the recipe states. I went for a run, the muffins patiently waited and cooled. Our second meeting was much better than the first.

Will I make them again? Yes. Will I experiment with the banana, replacing it with apple sauce or another smash-able fruit? Yes.

Kitchen Action
Lacking in the Pantry:
Cinnamon. I'm out of cinnamon, how in the world am I out of cinnamon? I use it daily. Oh, maybe that's the reason, so I didn't use cinnamon.
Additions, Subtractions or Method changes:
I added 2 T of Almond Butter and baked them in papers, instead of spraying the pan and used fresh ground nutmeg. I also threw a few chocolate chips in 2, 1 for Elliott and 1 for Chas.
What I'll try next time:
I will not try to eat them warm. Letting them cool is key and I found that after they had been refrigerated they were solid, not gooey in the center. I'll also try apple sauce instead of bananas and maybe throw in some shopped walnuts.

How it scored:
'becca: 3.5, middle of 1 & 5 based on meeting of mouth and muffin 1 & 2
Jonathan: 5
Elliott & Chas: When they found out I'd put banana in them, they changed their minds and didn't even try them. Jonathan ate the chocolate chip additions, but preferred the plain muffins best.

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