
Roasted Beets and Greens

Roasted Beets and Greens, page 126

Elliott and I are the only two in the house who like beets. Most often we enjoy them boiled and mixed with feta and in the summer I make a yellow and red shredded beat salad with an orange dressing. It tastes like sunshine. OK, earthy sunshine. Chas and Jonathan were out for an evening last week, leaving Elliott and I home for dinner and a movie. And beets.

Together we chose the dishes we would prepare, made a list, hopped in the car and headed to the grocery. We picked up everything on the list and maybe a couple of extras, like a candy bar at the check out. He comes by his love of chocolate honestly. I promise.

Dinner was Recovery Grilled Cheese (check back tomorrow) and Roasted Beets & Greens. The movie was The Green Lantern. The company, a momma and her first born. I cherish the one on one time with my kids. It doesn't happen too often, but when it does, I cherish it. The conversations and laughter, questions and answers, stories shared. It's just good.

Kitchen Action
Lacking in the Pantry:
We had everything we needed.
Additions, Subtractions or Method changes:
I left out the olive oil from the dressing.
What I'll try next time:
Maybe add a little lemon zest to the dressing.

How it scored:
Elliott: 4
'becca: 4

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