
French Toast

French Toast, page 79

Weekends in the spring, summer and autumn are spent on the soccer field or at races, this weekend is no exception. Both boys had 8 am soccer games and we were on the field at 7:20 warming up. I try to get there a little early and go thought our running warm ups prior to the boys typical soccer warm ups. In our triathlon training with T3 and TTR we have been taught the value and importance of proper warm ups and have been applying it to other sports. This morning Elliott's soccer coach asked him to lead his soccer team in his run drills & warm up from TTR.

Both boys and their teams payed fantastic & won their first game today. Way to go Lightning! Thankful we live 15 minutes from the fields, I brought home my boys plus 3 others to eat, rest, and try to beat Batman on Xbox during the break in-between games. I asked them what they wanted for breakfast and it was unanimous: FRENCH TOAST!

I have never used the blender to mix the eggs, milk and spices. The recipe suggested this, so I gave it a try. It was pretty frothy, but worked. I let it sit a little before I dipped the bread in it, allowing the bubbles to settle.

Kitchen Action

Lacking in Pantry:
Pumpkin Pie Spice
Additions, Subtractions or Method Changes:
I used buttermilk & Texas toast, added sprinkles of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves in exchange for pumpkin pie spice.The boys didn't want orange syrup, although I thought it sounded delicious. They wanted to top it with peanut butter and powdered sugar.
What I'll try next time:
I'll make sure I have GF bread, so I can enjoy it and I'll make the orange syrup.
How it Scored:
Jonathan, Elliott, Chas and pals: Five, Five, Five, Five, Five, Five 

Elliott and some of his soccer pals

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