Flourless Chocolate Cake, page 267
Today @SkratchLabs tweeted this: What is the number one reason you exercise?

I don't have a number one reason, I have many reasons. I exercise because I want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and example for my family. I exercise because I like to eat, especially things like cream cheese & strawberry stuffed crepes. I exercise because my clothing budget doesn't allow for me to buy jeans when they become a little snug (photo credit -- that is certainly not me). I exercise because if I didn't, I'd never have the thrill of crossing a finish line. What about you, why do you exercise?
And one Friday I exercised because this is what I was making in the kitchen. This is a very rich dessert and I found that it was best after it had been chilled. I baked it in large muffin tins, removed the cakes to cool and stored them in a 9 x 11 dish until I served them.
I wish I had a picture of the dusted and drizzled cakes, because they turned out pretty. I had my doubts, as they were not pretty upon removal from the oven. The middle sunk and the sides cracked, but when turned over, sprinkled with powdered sugar and drizzled with caramel, they were presentable. It was not overly sweet, but rich, very rich.
Have you made this? Did you include the liquor? What kind and how did you top it?
Kitchen Action
Lacking in Pantry:
I had everything needed.
Additions, Subtractions or Method Changes:
I didn't use a double boiler, but carefully watched it on the stove.
What I'll try next time:
Grand Marnier, a little squeeze of orange and a bit of zest and another time Chambord topped with raspberries. Oh, what about a coffee flavored liquor and some chocolate covered espresso beans on top?
How it Scored:
Absolutely no numbers needed, you just need to know that 1 of the 4 people sitting around the table licked their plate clean and the kids were fans too. That's a 5, if you ask me.
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